Self compassion

While most of us are compassionate toward others, we are not always compassionate toward ourselves. Many of us hold on to the belief that if we are self critical, it means we will hold ourselves more accountable. If we tell ourselves that “failure is not an option” we believe we will thrive and attain perfection. Not only is perfection not definable, this mindset is ultimately self defeating. 

Being mindful of how we treat ourselves can make all the difference. If we are trying to lose weight and maintain specific eating goals and we veer away from that one time, it doesn’t mean we have failed. It means we veered away one time. This shouldn’t derail our plans for change. Being mindful of how we are feeling and how we are speaking to ourselves is how we can see ourselves improve. Ask yourself: “Would I speak this way to my best friend?” If not, you should consider not speaking to yourself that way.

We, like all other people, will sometimes triumph and other times make mistakes. Some of these events will be small and some will be life changing. This is part of the human condition, something we share in common with each other. Recognizing that we are not alone in this is vital. We all stumble, make mistakes and have bad days! When we choose to be kind and compassionate to ourselves, we cultivate an open mindset that builds upon itself. Self compassion builds resilience.

Self compassion does not mean we are not holding ourselves accountable. On the contrary, it allows us to increase our awareness, reassess our direction and persevere.  Being mindful of how we are feeling and how we are treating ourselves is an integral part of living our best lives!


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What is your mindset?